Capacitive or resistive?

Resistive touch screen and capacitive touch screen are two examples of industrial touch screen that are used today instead of mouse and keyboard and the need to use keyboard and mouse has been limited to a great extent.
Mouse and keyboard are two necessary devices, but their wires and their cumbersomeness caused the touch screen to take their place. It is true that using a touch screen is not as easy as using a mouse and keyboard, but since it is usually a graphical industrial automation software, it will answer our work.
Capacitive touch screen is much more useful for daily use and graphic work due to its high speed and the possibility of using multiple fingers.
But in industrial environments, our suggestion is a resistive touch screen. We have many reasons for our opinion, some of which are mentioned below:
In this type of touch, the possibility of error is reduced due to the fact that you must tap or apply pressure. Imagine that a worker accidentally touches the screen while passing by the screen and a menu button is activated.
تجربیات عملی ما در استفاده از تاچ اسکرین در صنعت:
.Wet, greasy, dirty or calloused hands or hands with gloves or using the back of the pen will be problematic in using the capacitive touch screen. But these things do not affect the performance of the resistive touch screen
These were the cases that we have acquired with nearly thirty years of experience in the industry, especially in the field of industrial automation in the industrial computer branch at Fan Avaran Instrumentation Company. But we always make the most of our colleagues’ opinions. If you know something, you can write your opinion under this article so that it will be displayed with your name. The touch screen panels that we provide are from Amtouch, a reputable brand in Taiwan, and their controller board is Penmount.