Industrial Mainboard
Industrial motherboard is one of the products that are offered in different sizes and speeds according to the needs of customers.
SBC, PICMG, and IMB series can be mentioned among the big sizes of these motherboards.
The smaller sizes of these motherboards are: PC104, Embedded, mini ITX, tiny, Nano ITX and Pico ITX.
ATX industrial motherboard model IMB (11)
Axiomtek embedded 3.5 inch (9)
HalfSize MainBoard (9)
HalfSize PICMG (1)
ICOP Embedded 3.5inch (12)
Mini ITX MainBoard (15)
Nano ITX MainBord (4)
PC104 MainBoard (22)
PICMG MainBoard (9)
Pico ITX MainBoard (6)
SBC MainBoard (4)
Tiny MainBoard (10)