IDAQ-8UAI analog input module

rs-485 data transfer module


Analog input module with 8 universal channels with the possibility of sending information to the computer IDAQ-8UAI

Complete electrical isolation of each channel from power supply, bus and RS485
The ability to connect various types of inputs to each channel with the possibility of programming their types (mA, mV, thermocouple, thermoresistance)
Adjustable baud rate from 1200bps to 921000bps on RS485 bus
The possibility of connecting to a computer through a USB port
The possibility of communicating with the module through the virtual serial port on the USB port
Support for ASCII (DCON) protocol
It has separate LED indicators for power status and sending and receiving information
The possibility of software calibration without the use of potentiometers or other adjustable parts
Input power supply 200mAMAX, 10-30V DC

product DAQ file