Using an industrial computer as an industrial control system has many advantages over PLC:

1- Ability to process data: industrial computer has powerful processors and more memory that allows processing and storing more data. While PLCs are only designed to control simple and small processes.

2- Flexibility: by using industrial computer, you can easily apply changes in industrial processes and update the system. While PLCs are designed for specific processes and changes in them are very limited.

3- Support for industrial networks: industrial computers have the ability to connect to industrial networks such as Ethernet, Modbus, Profibus, etc., which enables communication with other devices. While PLCs are only connected to certain networks such as DeviceNet or Profibus.

4- The ability to install different software: by using an industrial computer, you can install different software on the system and use them to control industrial processes. While PLCs work only with special software designed for them.

5- Data storage capability: the industrial computer can store the process data in its memory and access them easily. While PLCs store only the data that is necessary to control the process.

6- One of the important advantages is that considering that the majority of people are familiar with using a home computer, the use of an industrial computer will be very tangible for them.

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